About President Office

Office of the president

Responsibilities of the President

The president shall be the chief executive officer of the University and, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the board, shall have the responsibilities to:

  1. Direct and administer the university with the aim of ensuring the achievement of its mission;
  2. Ensure that organs of the university and its community uphold the objectives of higher education and guiding values of the institution;
  3. Ensure that the provisions of this Proclamation and of other laws applicable to the institution are respected;
  4. Ensure that the institution prepares high quality graduates in as many numbers and fields consistent with the needs of the country;
  5. Create and continuously build a conducive institutional environment stimulating learning and research;
  6. Ensure that the university’s research and consultancy activities have problem solving aims, based on relevant industry-institution linkages and focus on national priorities;
  7. Ensure that the university in the pursuit of its mission is perpetually connected internationally as well as with federal and state institutions, relevant agencies, and associations;
  8. Ensure that the university always keeps abreast national and international developments and positions itself to respond effectively to the country’s needs in civil service capacity building;
  9. Ensure that the university has a capable system of internal leadership and management in its human resource, organization and performance;
  10. Design and implement, upon ultimate approval by the board, nomination and appointment systems of academic heads and senate members;
  11. Determine and implement, upon approval by the senate and the board, academic unit-and department level governing bodies and structures guided by the principles of relevance and quality of education and research, autonomy, efficacy and efficiency of service delivery;
  12. Ensure that employment and official positions are achieved through merit and that removal from office is based on performance evaluation, disciplinary matters and end of tenure of office alone;
  13. Ensure that policies, directives and procedures of the institution are designed in conformity with the provisions of this Proclamation, pertinent laws and government policies including gender, HIV/AIDS, disability and emerging regions;
  14. Develop and implement institutional standard measures and ensure that the academic and administrative operations of the institution are on the basis of the standards;
  15. Ensure that the institution maintains a healthy balance of income and expenditure  and proper books of accounts of all incomes and expenditures;
  16. Ensure that board and senate sessions as well as of those other leadership bodies such as the managing council and the university council are well-prepared for and held regularly;
  17. Resolve by peaceful and legal means all intra-institutional disputes and disputes with third parties, in pursuit of the institution’s mission and best interests;
  18. Ensure that all fundamental operations and substantive transactions of the institution are appropriately documented in text and data form as appropriate and that the information is, without prejudice to institutional interests, appropriately and readily accessible to end users;
  19. Prepare university-wide plans and budget, and ensure their implementation upon approval;
  20. Inform periodically the board, government and the public about the state of the institution;
  21. Build and maintain a reliable safety and security system that protects life and property in the premises of the institution;
  22. Represent the institution in all its dealings with third parties;
  23. Open and operate bank accounts in the name of the institution;
  24. Delegate, as may be necessary, his powers and responsibilities to the vice presidents and appropriate heads of academic units;
  25. Discharge such other responsibilities as may be given to him by the establishing law of the institution and by the board.
  26. The president shall devote full time to the requirements of his office; and shall be remunerated appropriately for his services in the form of basic salary and other benefits.
  27. In the case of absence from duty, the president shall delegate, as a standard practice, any other vice president on his behalf and, in the case of simultaneous absence of the said vice president, any of the other vice presidents.

  Contact information

Shumet Asefa Kibret (Ph.D)
Office: Admin Build Tel. +033 240 5700
Website: www.mkau.edu.et E-mail: –  shumet.asefa@mkau.edu.et