Public and International Relations Executive


The International and Public Relations Coordination Executive is responsible for collecting and disseminating information about the University and strengthen and facilitate the university’s relations with institutions in countries in the region and beyond. Accountable to the President of the University, IPRCD also assists the University President in Public Relations and information management activities.


  • Helping the University in promoting its mission and restructuring of its services to effectively deliver them.
  • Promoting the University and its mission, vision, as well as its core activities through publications.
  • Providing information related services and functions pertinent to its stakeholders, University members and the wider population.
  • Facilitate the university’s relations with institutions in countries in the region and beyond


Some of the major tasks that are undertaken by the International and Public Relations Coordination Directorate include the following.

  • Publication of Monthly and Quarterly Newsletters,
  • Preparation and distribution of yearly Calendars, Diaries,
  • Preparation and distribution of Brochures, Fliers, Booklets, Catalogs,
  • Preparation and distribution of Invitations/Cards, Posters
  • News releases on new achievements and events in the University.
  • Facilitating long and short term graduation ceremonies   seminars, workshop etc.
  • Arranging experience sharing visits for external visitors.
  • Promoting the services of the University
  • Arranging media coverage of important events (planned and regular), including conferences and workshops.
  • Organizing social events for the University community.
  • Assessing students` and other clients ‘Complaints and satisfactions with University services.
  • Receiving guests coming to the University
  • Media monitoring  related to the institution
  • Monitoring social media of the university’s
  • Creating awareness to the university’s communities on national issues
  • Creating national consensus among the university’s communities
  • Consults the university higher  officials  over University affairs
  • Update and maintain content posted on the Web
  • Respond to requests for information from the media or designate an appropriate spokesperson or information source
  • Informed  the staff and/or students  important University issues
  • conducting studies about MAU relations with other foreign institutions;
  • working towards expanding linkages with other foreign institutions; 
  • following up and support scholarship and internship students from other countries;
  • handling, in close liaison with the Admissions office, scholarship requests and the recruitment of international students; and assisting in the affairs of international teaching staff;
  • providing information for international students on scholarships and on exchange Programmes;
  • facilitating and manage, in close liaison with the Student Admission Office, the University’s inter- institutional agreements;
  • assisting with negotiating inter-institutional agreements;
  • creating links with relevant embassies and organizations;
  • preparing academic, social and cultural events (during day or night times) for foreign students and staff; (Introducing Ethiopia’s policies and directions in different areas)

የስራ ክፍሉ አላ

  • በተቋሙ መልካም ገፅታን የሚነቡ ልዩ ልዩ ተግባራትን በመምራት፣ በማስተባር፣ ክትትልና ድጋፍ በማድረግ፣ በማብቃት፣ የተቋሙን አገልግሎት እና ልዩ ልዩ መረጃዎች ለደንበኞች ማሳወቅ ነው፡ የስራ ክፍሉ ዋና ዋና ተግባራት
  • የህዝብ እና አለም አቅፍ ግንኙነት ስራዎችን  ማቀድ፣ ማስተባበር እና ተግባራዊነቱን መከታተል፣
  • ለህዝብና አለም አቀፍ ግንኙነት ስራዎች የሚያግዙ ጥናቶች እንዲከናወኑ ማድረግ፣
  • ተቋሙን የሚመለከቱ መረጃዎች ለአገልግሎት ዝግጁ እንዲሆኑ በማድረግ ለልዩ ልዩ መረጃ ፈላጊዎች ምቹ ሁኔታ መፍጠር፣
  • የተመረጡ የካሌንደር ሁነቶች እንዲከበሩ በማስተባበር እና አዳዲስ ሁነቶችን/Events/ በመፍጠር መልካም ገፅታን እና የጋራ መግባባትን መገንባት፣
  • በሚዲያዎችና በተቋሙ መካከል መልካም ግንኙነት እንዲዳብር ስልቶችን ይቀይሳል፣
  • Directing, mentoring, monitoring and supporting various activities that reflect the good image of the institution, informing customers of the institution’s services and various information;
  •  Planning, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of public and international relation’s activities;
  • Carry out studies that help public and international relation’s activities;
  •  Creating a conducive environment for various information seekers by making the information about the institution ready for use.
  •  Building a good image and mutual understanding by coordinating selected calendar events and creating new events;
  • Designs strategies to develop a good relationship between the media and the institution.